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  • E-505 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services, Task Order Edition

E-505 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services, Task Order Edition


EJCDC® E-505 2020, Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services—Task Order Edition.

EJCDC E-505 includes the same comprehensive range of terms and conditions present in the E‑500 Agreement Between Owner-Engineer for Professional Services, but is designed to be used for multiple or recurring assignments (“tasks”) related to one or several projects. The numbering, structure, and content of E‑500 and E‑505, including their exhibits, are similar.

EJCDC E-505 defines individual task orders for specific professional assignments. In a task order, the Owner and Engineer agree to task-specific terms, such as scope of services, schedule, and compensation, for each specific assignment. When a task order is issued, no drafting or negotiating is needed for provisions such as indemnification, insurance, claims, dispute resolution, suspension, or termination because these provisions will have been negotiated previously and set in place in the E-505 Main Agreement and its exhibits. This format allows individual assignments to be expeditiously made without the need to renegotiate the entire Main Agreement.

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